Although, this video cleverly depicts teenage angst - it reminds me of the struggle that my little square peg Aspie son has everyday in order to try and fit in with the World around him. I firmly believe that it is our job to adapt for those who have Autistic spectrum disorders. We are more flexible, for us it is no bother. We are all lucky enough not to have to deal with the confusion of a neurological problem. So it is our responsibility to change not theirs.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Headhuntress Loves The Temper Trap - Love Lost
A powerful song with a simple yet utterly brilliant and compelling video. Watch it and then press repeat. The Temper Trap
follow up to Sweet Disposition....
Although, this video cleverly depicts teenage angst - it reminds me of the struggle that my little square peg Aspie son has everyday in order to try and fit in with the World around him. I firmly believe that it is our job to adapt for those who have Autistic spectrum disorders. We are more flexible, for us it is no bother. We are all lucky enough not to have to deal with the confusion of a neurological problem. So it is our responsibility to change not theirs.
Although, this video cleverly depicts teenage angst - it reminds me of the struggle that my little square peg Aspie son has everyday in order to try and fit in with the World around him. I firmly believe that it is our job to adapt for those who have Autistic spectrum disorders. We are more flexible, for us it is no bother. We are all lucky enough not to have to deal with the confusion of a neurological problem. So it is our responsibility to change not theirs.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
The ancient art of Babywearing - Affordable Baby Wrap Slings For Sale in Southsea and Portsmouth
The ancient art of Babywearing is having a revival in the UK and it's all down to some wonderfully green and enthusiastic parents spreading the word.

"What are the benefits of using the Sa Be Baby Carrier Sling?
First of all, there's that lovely feeling of carrying your baby close to you, feeling them settled and contented as you go about your daily routine; be it shopping, housework or caring for your older children. Your baby will be part of your daily life from day one, and will benefit hugely from this. Having spent 9 months in the security of the womb, feeling the constant movement and warmth, they can now feel secure and relaxed in a similar environment, feeling familiar movements and hearing the wearer's heart beating. They are exactly where they feel the most safe and secure, and can enjoy looking at the world around them in an upright position. Instead of being over stimulated by the activities around them, they spend more time in the quiet alert state of mind, an ideal state of mind in which to learn.

As well as these emotional benefits, there are huge physical benefits as well. Our carrier is extremely comfortable for both the wearer and the baby. There are no pressure points on your baby's spine or hips like there are on some of the other styles of baby carrier available on the market today. For the younger baby, our recommended front facing in carrying position ensures that your baby is held in the optimum position for the crucial spinal development of the early months. Using this position ensures that your baby's spine is not put in a weight-bearing position too early, as the legs are tucked up inside the carrier instead of dangling down, distributing the weight over hips and legs instead of putting all the weight on the crotch. When your baby is older you may choose to leave the baby's legs out of the carrier, but this position is still infinitely more beneficial for your baby than the uncomfortable parachute harness position of some of the other carriers available today, as the baby's knees will be held level with their crotch instead of dangling straight down. This is the same position used to treat hip dysplasia in young children, as it is the best for hip development and alignment.
The design of our carrier is very comfortable for you, the wearer, as your baby's weight is distributed evenly over your entire back, shoulders and hips. The baby is carried high at your centre of gravity, which is good for your posture too. It doesnt feel lopsided and you dont twist your back to compensate for the extra weight you are carrying.
Sa-Be carriers are a long tube of jersey cotton. There is more support in this design and therefore it is much more unlikely to go baggy and need to be re-tied. They are also not as wide as other wraps which means that you dont feel as if you are swaddled in fabric.
They are very convenient. Just tie the carrier on before you go out in the car, move the knot to the side slightly (so you dont have a knot digging into your back while you are sitting in the car), and when you reach your destination you'll be able to pop your baby in and out as many times as you like without having to tie and untie the carrier.
Whilst the carrier is tied to you without the baby in, our funky range of fabrics will make a fashion statement whilst also providing the perfect breastfeeding cover-up. They are also cheap enough and small enough to keep one a spare one in the car, you never know when you might need one. It is much better than having a pushchair take up useful boot space!
When carrying the baby in the front carry, there is room to carry a backpack on your back for your baby essentials and shopping. Please note that it is wise to keep your hands free when carrying your baby, as your arms help you to balance when walking.)
It is perfect for those small trips to the shops as it is much easier than trying to push a pram/pushchair through small, tight shopping aisles.
If your baby falls asleep, either shoulder strap can be pulled free a little to make space to tuck babies head in.
Also known as the art of attachment parenting, baby wearing has a history in almost all cultures. Tribal cultures such as my own family in Borneo have been enjoying the benefits of baby wearing for centuries. There are no Bugaboos in the jungle don't you know! A simple sarong or piece of cloth makes for the perfect baby carrier, this in turn functions like a transitional womb which is the perfect way to carry your baby in an ideal world.
I wish I was the kind of virtuous mother who only uses washable nappies, uses rags and water instead of wet wipes, educates my children at home, carries the baby in a sling everywhere, cooks everything from scratch and brings the children up to have a halcyon childhood, but alas I am not like that. I know some amazing mothers who can tick all the above boxes, but I, like most people am just doing the best I can. But when I do use a baby sling, I use my Sa Be Baby Carrier of course.
I wish I was the kind of virtuous mother who only uses washable nappies, uses rags and water instead of wet wipes, educates my children at home, carries the baby in a sling everywhere, cooks everything from scratch and brings the children up to have a halcyon childhood, but alas I am not like that. I know some amazing mothers who can tick all the above boxes, but I, like most people am just doing the best I can. But when I do use a baby sling, I use my Sa Be Baby Carrier of course.
We sell Sa Be Baby Carriers at Rare Designer Must-Haves, they are a wonderful baby wrap and are so affordable starting at just £21.95 with free shipping. So everyone can afford to give it a try. Read on to find out more....
First of all, there's that lovely feeling of carrying your baby close to you, feeling them settled and contented as you go about your daily routine; be it shopping, housework or caring for your older children. Your baby will be part of your daily life from day one, and will benefit hugely from this. Having spent 9 months in the security of the womb, feeling the constant movement and warmth, they can now feel secure and relaxed in a similar environment, feeling familiar movements and hearing the wearer's heart beating. They are exactly where they feel the most safe and secure, and can enjoy looking at the world around them in an upright position. Instead of being over stimulated by the activities around them, they spend more time in the quiet alert state of mind, an ideal state of mind in which to learn.
As well as these emotional benefits, there are huge physical benefits as well. Our carrier is extremely comfortable for both the wearer and the baby. There are no pressure points on your baby's spine or hips like there are on some of the other styles of baby carrier available on the market today. For the younger baby, our recommended front facing in carrying position ensures that your baby is held in the optimum position for the crucial spinal development of the early months. Using this position ensures that your baby's spine is not put in a weight-bearing position too early, as the legs are tucked up inside the carrier instead of dangling down, distributing the weight over hips and legs instead of putting all the weight on the crotch. When your baby is older you may choose to leave the baby's legs out of the carrier, but this position is still infinitely more beneficial for your baby than the uncomfortable parachute harness position of some of the other carriers available today, as the baby's knees will be held level with their crotch instead of dangling straight down. This is the same position used to treat hip dysplasia in young children, as it is the best for hip development and alignment.
The design of our carrier is very comfortable for you, the wearer, as your baby's weight is distributed evenly over your entire back, shoulders and hips. The baby is carried high at your centre of gravity, which is good for your posture too. It doesnt feel lopsided and you dont twist your back to compensate for the extra weight you are carrying.
Sa-Be carriers are a long tube of jersey cotton. There is more support in this design and therefore it is much more unlikely to go baggy and need to be re-tied. They are also not as wide as other wraps which means that you dont feel as if you are swaddled in fabric.
They are very convenient. Just tie the carrier on before you go out in the car, move the knot to the side slightly (so you dont have a knot digging into your back while you are sitting in the car), and when you reach your destination you'll be able to pop your baby in and out as many times as you like without having to tie and untie the carrier.
Whilst the carrier is tied to you without the baby in, our funky range of fabrics will make a fashion statement whilst also providing the perfect breastfeeding cover-up. They are also cheap enough and small enough to keep one a spare one in the car, you never know when you might need one. It is much better than having a pushchair take up useful boot space!
When carrying the baby in the front carry, there is room to carry a backpack on your back for your baby essentials and shopping. Please note that it is wise to keep your hands free when carrying your baby, as your arms help you to balance when walking.)
It is perfect for those small trips to the shops as it is much easier than trying to push a pram/pushchair through small, tight shopping aisles.
If your baby falls asleep, either shoulder strap can be pulled free a little to make space to tuck babies head in.
- Carried babies are less prone to Flat Head Syndrome (caused when babies spend long periods of time on their backs). Carrying a baby takes the pressure off their head. Soft carriers in particular are great for babies head shaping
- The baby is carried up high, away from exhaust fumes etc.
- You will naturally interact with your baby much more when you are carrying them than if they were sitting in a pushchair.
- Carried babies cry less, they feel happy, secure and loved.
- It is a great bonding opportunity for both baby and wearer.
- Carried babies are less likely to suffer from wind, and the upright position & constant movement can help to ease acid reflux and colic.
- They are able to see more. This is much better for learning as they are up high and see what you see.
- Carried babies are happier all round, as carrying your baby in a baby carrier reduces her level of stress hormones
- Carried babies are less likely to be over stimulated by the world around them and more likely to be in their quiet alert state which is optimum for learning.
- Carried babies are often calmer, as when you are close to your baby and can quickly respond to all of his needs, there is no reason to cry."
The Importance of the In-Arms Phase
To find out more about Baby Wearing in Portsmouth and to attend the next Sling Meet read more here:
For a comprehensive guide to different types of sling other than the Sa Be Baby Sling, then take a look here:
Friday, 21 May 2010
No to Biofuel with Lush Portsmouth - Headhuntress's Best Shopping In Southsea and Portsmouth
I never paid much attention to Lush before as I have a highly tuned commercial filter - and I just presumed that their lovely candy colours and richly scented shops were all the product of canny marketing along with lots of fake perfume and what I supposed was unnatural bath bombs!
So, it wasn't until recently after avoiding the new shiny Lush shop in Cascades like the plague last year, that I discovered just how amazing they really are. My husband and I were searching for companies in December that do not test on animals. We were shocked to discover that most of the major cosmetic giants cannot categorically state that they are against animal testing - not even Boots can guarantee that none of their components have been tested on animals! And we all know that poor Anita Roddick, God rest her, sold her soul when she was bought out by by evil bunny torturers - L'Oreal. No, I'm not worth it..... And yes, boycott Bodyshop, they might not test on animals - but their owners - where all the money is going - very much do!
To my surprise on the list of cruelty free peeps was Lush. So, I paid them a visit and was delighted to discover that they had moved on from the familiar bath bombs and squidgy soap and were dealing in lotions and potions for the face and hair now too. I was an immediate convert, spurred on by the enthusiastic vibrant staff in our local store.
On my first visit I was told by one of the lovely sales assistants that the owner of Lush doesn't even drive a car and is a vegan. That was me sold. What great marketing. Ahem. Filter? What filter? Anyways, as I as saying. I have been a convert ever since and love putting the old "Gorgeous" moisturiser on packed with skin treats such as orange blossom and good oils, safe in the knowledge that no rabbit has had to lose his eye balls for my vanity.
The "Biofuel isn't the answer" campaign is just another in the list of relevant and important issues that Lush and Lush Portsmouth are bringing to the attention of the public. It is of course partly great marketing but there are serious issues which can be dealt with with the help of consumers. Look at Stella, Paul and Linda McCartney's "Meat Free Monday" campaign, where just giving up meat for one day a week can have a huge impact on the planets resources. What I want to bring to your attention now though is that using palm oil for fuel, glue, cornflakes, chocolate, biscuits or anything is seriously bad news. It's a cheap resource but it will cost us the Earth if more rain forest is cut down in order to supply the demanding Western world and money making fat cats like Nestle (boycott them too!)
I am particularly fond of the rain forest in Borneo, it's where my indigenous tribe Bidayuh family live and my ancestors are from - hell maybe there's a little bit more orangutan in my DNA then most people's and because of that, this issue is very close to my heart. I am privileged enough to have met rescued orangutans face to face as well as seeing them in the wild and believe me, when you meet them, they have a look of all knowing wisdom, catch their eye and it's like someone is staring right down in to the belly of your soul. It's a humbling experience. They don't deserve to die so that we can run a few more cars cheaply and buy a pack of digestives for 39p instead of paying more.
Not only is it cruel and unfair for these endangered animals amongst many other species some maybe not even discovered and named yet to lose their habitat. But the rain forest are like the very lungs of our planet. Without it we cannot breathe. The rain forest around the World including the great Amazon churns out life giving oxygen and are responsible for more than 40% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. It is also estimated that if we carry on chopping the rain forest down at the rate that we are doing, then in just 40 years time it will all be gone. I don't know about you but I quite like breathing.
Watch the video above based at our Lush Portsmouth to see what you can do to help.
So, it wasn't until recently after avoiding the new shiny Lush shop in Cascades like the plague last year, that I discovered just how amazing they really are. My husband and I were searching for companies in December that do not test on animals. We were shocked to discover that most of the major cosmetic giants cannot categorically state that they are against animal testing - not even Boots can guarantee that none of their components have been tested on animals! And we all know that poor Anita Roddick, God rest her, sold her soul when she was bought out by by evil bunny torturers - L'Oreal. No, I'm not worth it..... And yes, boycott Bodyshop, they might not test on animals - but their owners - where all the money is going - very much do!
To my surprise on the list of cruelty free peeps was Lush. So, I paid them a visit and was delighted to discover that they had moved on from the familiar bath bombs and squidgy soap and were dealing in lotions and potions for the face and hair now too. I was an immediate convert, spurred on by the enthusiastic vibrant staff in our local store.
On my first visit I was told by one of the lovely sales assistants that the owner of Lush doesn't even drive a car and is a vegan. That was me sold. What great marketing. Ahem. Filter? What filter? Anyways, as I as saying. I have been a convert ever since and love putting the old "Gorgeous" moisturiser on packed with skin treats such as orange blossom and good oils, safe in the knowledge that no rabbit has had to lose his eye balls for my vanity.
The "Biofuel isn't the answer" campaign is just another in the list of relevant and important issues that Lush and Lush Portsmouth are bringing to the attention of the public. It is of course partly great marketing but there are serious issues which can be dealt with with the help of consumers. Look at Stella, Paul and Linda McCartney's "Meat Free Monday" campaign, where just giving up meat for one day a week can have a huge impact on the planets resources. What I want to bring to your attention now though is that using palm oil for fuel, glue, cornflakes, chocolate, biscuits or anything is seriously bad news. It's a cheap resource but it will cost us the Earth if more rain forest is cut down in order to supply the demanding Western world and money making fat cats like Nestle (boycott them too!)
Look in to my eyes....
Not only is it cruel and unfair for these endangered animals amongst many other species some maybe not even discovered and named yet to lose their habitat. But the rain forest are like the very lungs of our planet. Without it we cannot breathe. The rain forest around the World including the great Amazon churns out life giving oxygen and are responsible for more than 40% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. It is also estimated that if we carry on chopping the rain forest down at the rate that we are doing, then in just 40 years time it will all be gone. I don't know about you but I quite like breathing.
Watch the video above based at our Lush Portsmouth to see what you can do to help.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Darwin Deez - Radar Detector (official video) latest song
You've got to love this song, the video, his sweet lyrics, Darwin Deez - Radar Detector - out in the UK now! The follow up to the fabulous Constellations.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Headhuntresses Guide to Southsea and Portsmouth's Best Shops - On The Rocks Accessories
On The Rocks Accessories is a fabulous little boutique on Albert Road, just opposite Albert Square Shopping Centre and near the St Ronan's Road/Francis Avenue junction. It's run by the lovely Stacey and her partner Warren, who always greet you with warm friendly enthusiasm.
Their shop is like an Aladdin's Cave for the eco-conscious shopper. You will find wonderful statement pieces of jewellery in bold colours and classy designs that will keep you well ahead of the game, but they also have a great collection of pre-loved clothing. Not only are the garments available all very stylish and from leading brands but they are so affordable you will scream with glee.
My friend was lucky enough to pick up the above top, a coveted (very much by me) Laura Lees for Topshop strappy cami in a delicate floral pattern with the famous Laura Lees embroidery logos for only £4.00. That's right. £4.00! Most "On the Rocks" tops will set you back around £4 to £5 and dresses are a mere snip at around £7.00.
Their jewellery is unique in that they only get a few pieces in of each item and once it's gone it's gone - so you won't see every Sally and Jane wearing the same stuff as you when you are in the queue for the loos at Little Johhny Russells on a Saturday night. I bought the most amazing gold metal gladiator cuff bangle from them just after Christmas and I haven't taken it off, it looks like high end designer and I am going to have a 4 inch tan mark on my wrist this summer because of it. If you have a friend's birthday coming up - you can't go far wrong by paying them a visit and picking up something special but affordable from them.
In addition to their great clothing and unique jewellery, you can find the wonderful ethically made, vegan and cruelty free Little Cote Soap Company products. They are producers of soap and bathing products using traditional methods and their gin and tonic range smells divine it is also paraben free.
You can also have a private VIP evening party there which is how I first got introduced to the shop by my friend. They will open up shop so that you and your friends can have a little drink, stock up on gifts and try on the clothing at your leisure. It's great fun, a little bit of a different way to spend an evening and well worth it.
New stocks arrive daily, so to be kept up to date and not miss out - join their Facebook group here:!/pages/Southsea-United-Kingdom/On-The-Rocks-Accessories/123692306111
New summer frocks are arriving this Thursday, so be sure to pay them a visit. I'll be there with my elbows out!
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Are you In The Nude? Nudes and lace for Southsea Summer Style.
Oasis Sleeveless Pintuck Dress, Nude Pink, 10
Looking for ways to update your summer wardrobe? I've been out with my eyes peeled for clothing in lovely nude shades. That palest of candy pink the kind of hue evocative of a 70s summer. Such as the cute dress above available at John Lewis for only £40, buy it now before they sell out.
by Temperley
This Lace dress is by Temperley and will set you back nearly £700! But the flower pattern is really beautiful.
For a more affordable take on the lace trend shop at Rare Fashion
They are always ahead of their game.
There are some lovely tops available at Topshop too, but the best place to search for vintage and vintage inspired clothing is in the charity shops and eBay. Click here to shop for vintage dresses on eBay
TK Maxx can be a total minefield but if you get to know your fabrics and have an idea of the colours you want to wear, then shopping is a synch - just head to the section with your size and scan for colours and fabrics that you are currently loving. I picked up a gorgeous ruched chiffon and cotton vest top by Vila there yesterday for only £7.99!

The dress above is by Nina Ricci and will set you back £670! But if you focus on the pretty lace details and the cut of the silk you can find some great copies on the high street. Just avoid the tarts underwear look. If the lace looks like it was fashioned out of a pair of Anns Summer's knickers - then avoid!

They are always ahead of their game.
There are some lovely tops available at Topshop too, but the best place to search for vintage and vintage inspired clothing is in the charity shops and eBay. Click here to shop for vintage dresses on eBay
The dress above is by Nina Ricci and will set you back £670! But if you focus on the pretty lace details and the cut of the silk you can find some great copies on the high street. Just avoid the tarts underwear look. If the lace looks like it was fashioned out of a pair of Anns Summer's knickers - then avoid!
Click here to see stunning vintage dresses!
Look for lace that has a pretty pattern to it, as though it was crocheted. The look you are aiming for is "The Virgin Suicide's" inspired. I love that film by the way. It is so dreamy and has a fabulous sound track full of my favourite band - Air
and with a great disco scene set to the back drop of The Electric Light Orchestra
. Get your lace wrong and you will look like a woman of the night.
Even the beautiful Amanda Seyfried looks a bit wrong in this boudoir body stocking. But then she does have minge tattooed on her foot so she obviously has a sense of humour. Yes you read correctly. Mamma Mia!

Monday, 17 May 2010
Southsea Views and More Hampshire Tree Service Trees
The baby and I were up unusually early and with nobody else in the house, we decided to hot foot it down to the Car Boot Sale opposite Clarence Pier. Okay, "I" decided and the baby ensued in his pram. We walked down Clarendon Road where it was wonderful to see so much greenery in abundance within our fair city. So I took some shots. The above two trees were shaped by Hampshire Tree Services about 18 months ago. Don't they look lovely?
These two trees are not far from my beloved Waitrose. I remember when they were doing the work - I stopped by that day to stop and say "Hello," and people were stopping to admire what Hampshire Tree Services were doing. You don't often get that when people see trees being cut. But Hampshire Tree Services always carry out their work sympathetically and with the best interest of the tree. A friend of friend was due to have some work done by them a few weeks ago, but when he got there, he found there were blue tits nesting in the tree. So they refused to do the work until the babies have hatched and flown. You don't often get traders as conscientious as that do you?!
I love the way these benches echo the sea waves. The light is not very good in this picture, but the modern lines of the benches contrast brilliantly with the ancientness of The Garrison church and the smart black Victorian lampposts. You know if you see one of those types of lampposts, then you're on one of the more stylish roads in Southsea.
I didn't capture this very well as it had just started to rain and the sky suddenly went grey and overcast, plus there were pedestrians getting in the way.
These are not Hampshire Tree Services trees, but look how dark and sombre they are against the luminous new buildings at Gunwharf. There is something sad about these trees waiting for their moment to bloom in the industrial confines of that car park. I am sure next year they will be green and proud. I also took the picture because I have never before been up that road in Old Portsmouth and I wanted to remember the majesty of the huge looming buildings that weren't even there a few years ago.
Friday, 14 May 2010
Bargainistas of Southsea! 1 day left for SHIFT pop up shop!
Bargainistas hot foot it down to Albert Rd tomorrow. 'Shift' pop up shop has one day left at the Chilli Tattoo store next to Citrus Cafe.
There are plenty of beautiful high quality pre-loved items available at great prices.
Find great finds from Karen Millen, Boden, Jigsaw and more all on our favourite road in Hampshire!
There are plenty of beautiful high quality pre-loved items available at great prices.
Find great finds from Karen Millen, Boden, Jigsaw and more all on our favourite road in Hampshire!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Headhuntresses Guide to Southsea and Portsmouth's Best (But you May Not Know It Yet)Shops
- On The Rocks Accessories
- barnados marmion road
- Knight and Lee/ John Lewis for baby clothes and accessories View special offers on baby and toddler clothing at John Lewis
- Dresscode, Albert Road. Alternative clothes and accessories the first and still the best!
- Topshop and Topman, edgy and affordable
- tk maxx
- Southsea Gallery
- The Interior Trading Company
- Fusion 29
- Lush Portsmouth
- Southsea Health Shop
Friday, 7 May 2010
Clogged Up
I saw a mouse...Where? There on the stair.... Where on the stair... Oh there.... A little mouse with clogs on....

Championing the lead are Chanel
I being diminutive in stature like the little mouse on the stairs would like to be upgrading my house-wife-standard-issue make-me-look-a-tad -like an extra from Prisoner Cell Block H
KG by Kurt Geiger Paxton Patent Leather Clogs, Black, 4
Beautiful offerings are available from new leader of the pack Kurt Geiger
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